Custom-1746: Alcyone


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10 September 2024, 06:48:30 EDT

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Name: Alcyone

Gender: Female

Taste: Melon soda 

Character: Alcyone is a mischievous creature who enjoys sprawling herself across the path of anyone she meets. She is wily and aloof yet very playful and has yet to fully bond to any one human of her own, preferring to accept treats from anyone who passes by. It was likely her desire for human food that brought on her transformation into a Jellogut, but she doesn't mind the state of her physical form. Her hobbies include swimming, sunbathing, and playfully knocking over drink glasses and snack boxes of passing tourists to get a chance to sample what they are consuming, as well as batting pigeons off of piers. She means no ill intent by her shenanigans, she just likes to soak up any attention she can get and if the humans are not paying attention to her, she will give them something to pay attention to. 

Special Ability: Unknown