Event-307: Kampachi

Owned by loriby@dA


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11 March 2022, 23:51:45 EST

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Name: Kampachi
Theme: Sweet & Sour Grilled fish
Gender: Female
Taste: Body jelly tastes of a savory grilled fish, inner part adds the caramelly flavors of brown sugar sauce with a hint of citrus and cinnamon. Frosting adds a hit of cranberry sauce.
Character: Bold and enjoys human food a bit too much. If food is not offered she can get grumpy and might nip. Otherwise is a lazy jellocat who is seen sunbathing or sleeping when not eating.
Special Ability: Body can heat up as if fresh out of a oven or off a grill, one can see steam rise from her body. Ends up causing cold things to start melting.