MYO-484: Baph
Registration Number: None yet
Type: Purchased myo (jelloblocks)
Design Name: satanic cat Design: Theme: monochrome demon Owner:
Sell value: 100 jb
Can be traded: Yes
- up to you Can be gifted: Yes
Gift art: Yes Name: Baph
Age: 30 Gender: male Taste: black licorice and vanilla Character: witty, sly, and a softie
Special Ability: Able to fly and warm things up with paws
Rarity: common :bulletgreen:
Colors: stripes :bulletgreen:
Texture: Short fur :bulletgreen:
Body: Furry neck, hairstyle :bulletgreen: Short limbs :bulletgreen:
Whiskers: 2 whiskers :bulletgreen:
Ears: cat ears :bulletgreen:
Teeth: Rounded :bulletgreen:
Tounge: split, long :bulletgreen:
Horns: impa :bulletblue:
Tail: talky tail :bulletblue:
Wings: feather wings :bulletblue:
size: size 1 :bulletgreen:
Gut \intestines: -
Extra: spiked necklaces
Jellocats are a closed species by TaNa-Jo meaning you can't make your own without permission
Gift art is allowed
Open for links