You can receive 1 strike for certain offences; 3 strikes lead to blacklisting. Some actions result in immediate banning.
- Bannable offences include:
- Off branding Jellocats
- Racism, homophobia, or transphobia
- Scamming
- Serious mistreatment of staff or members
Strike offences include:
- Rude behavior
- Ignoring the T.O.S. after a warning
- Failing to pay after winning an auction or backing out of an auction/trade
- Repeatedly causing drama or not following through on offers
- Payment plan failures or habitual issues may lead to strikes.
Gifted or rewarded cats can be revoked if a user is banned. If already owned for months, the cat becomes voided.
Blacklisting cannot be undone. You can still re-sell your Jellocat. You are not allowed to take part in any events/activities anymore. Blacklisting is used for protecting people.
@mello-pixie (1st strike)
Winning an auction, no answer. -
sophgrace25 (1st strike)
Ghosting one of our guest artists once confronted by said GA with a payment email. (deleting their comment and ignoring the user)
@@Dr-CandyPop , @@Kclar, @@ob1dorbiez, @@offbranmuffins, @@Lizarddatasystem, @@Panquecadoptables, @@GiveintotheImpluse - Off branding and accusations. Ally their accounts
Qirtev444 Insulting / Racist without reason / spam
Cattos-Adopts / Dawnflower2 / Riverdream / CalamityDoesArt / WolfXCreations1 / WolfWatcher / Koalabear / FireClawAnimates / Sunnysstorage / BlizzardFlame / Sunnydrawsart (Active account) //
Other accounts: Cat#7610 || SunnyDraws #8806
Blacklisted for; repeated scams, art/character theft, ban/block/blacklist evasion, Blacklisted on -
Megu on TikTok for stealing characters from users. [Screenshot Proof]
Orca-Bite [DA] / OrcaBite#6971 [DIS] - Transphobic / Seeks out lgbtq+ members to attack/saying horrible things to users / banned from many other species including the likes of impims for the same reason, cussing out and attacking mods who were trying to keep the users ban quiet, claiming a cat that was removed from them that was a free community gift and claiming it as theirs still even though it is allowed to be removed by TOS if the mods and owner see fit.
[Screenshot Proof]