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The Rathians are a revered faction of Jellocats devoted to Galvorath, the Holy Jello Spirit of Lava


Rathians: Followers of the Holy Jello Spirit Galvorath

The Rathians are a faction of Spiritual Jellocats who devote themselves to the worship of Galvorath, the Holy Jello Spirit of Lava and Wrath. These Jellocats believe in the power of fire, destruction, and rebirth, living by the philosophy that all things must be tested by heat to grow stronger. Rathians are known for their resilience, endurance, and fierce loyalty to their spirit, honouring Galvorath with a deep respect for its power and patience.


Beliefs and Philosophy:

  • Strength Through Fire: Rathians believe that true strength comes from enduring hardship and surviving destruction. Much like Galvorath’s eruptions, which lay waste to the land but leave it fertile for new growth, Rathians see challenges as necessary trials that forge them into something stronger.

  • Patience and Wrath: Following Galvorath’s example, Rathians practice patience in their daily lives. They believe that anger, like a volcano, should build slowly and only be unleashed when necessary. However, when they do erupt, their wrath is decisive and unstoppable, reflecting their spirit’s temper.


Lifestyle and Practices:

  • Lava Crystals and Offerings: To keep Galvorath calm, Rathians offer glowing jello crystals harvested from the volcanic regions of Norkum. These crystals are believed to contain the essence of Galvorath’s energy, and they play a central role in rituals and offerings. Rathians brave the fiery terrain of Norkum to gather these rare gems, which they place in volcanic craters or lava flows as symbols of their devotion.

  • The Fire Trials: Rathians undergo ceremonial Fire Trials, where they test their endurance in extreme environments, such as hot springs, molten lakes, or near active volcanoes. These trials are meant to purify their spirit, much like how lava reshapes the land, and to prove their worth to Galvorath.

  • Communal Resilience: Rathians are a close-knit community, valuing loyalty and solidarity. They are known to look out for each other, especially during times of hardship. The faction believes that just as molten lava flows together, their unity makes them stronger in the face of adversity.


Appearance and Traits:

  • Fire-Touched Jellocats: Rathians often bear the marks of their devotion, with some sporting scars, elemental parts or just the pure love for the heat. The heat of the volcanoes in Norkum sometimes leaves a lasting imprint on these Jellocats, and many possess a natural resistance to heat or fire.

  • Fearless and Bold: Rathians are known for their courage. They fear neither the fiery terrain of Norkum nor the spirit they follow. Their boldness and willingness to face danger head-on make them respected and sometimes feared by other Jellocats.


Connection to Galvorath:

  • Chosen by Fire: Rathians believe that by dedicating themselves to Galvorath, they are blessed with strength and the ability to endure life’s greatest challenges. They seek to embody the balance between calm and wrath, knowing that like Galvorath, they must maintain control until the time for action arrives.

  • Guardians of Norkum: Rathians are often seen as protectors of the volcanic region of Norkum. They ensure that the land remains in harmony with Galvorath’s will, and they warn other Jellocats of potential eruptions or dangerous shifts in the volcanic terrain.

Member Figure

Holy Jello Spirit: Galvorath

Faction Ranks


Holy Jello Spirit: The holy Spirit itself is the highest rank, because the group is dedicated to it.


Member Ranks

Follower: Followers of Galvorath (0 Standing)

Members: 2 ・ See All