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The Lounghii are Jellocats who follow the Holy Jello Spirit Lounghi, the embodiment of peace and calmness. They seek harmony and inner calm in all aspects of life.


Lounghii: The Followers of Lounghi

The Lounghii are Jellocats who follow the Holy Jello Spirit Lounghi, the embodiment of peace and calmness. They live by her teachings, seeking harmony and inner calm in all aspects of life. Revered as spiritual guides and healers, the Lounghii believe in the transformative power of stillness and inner peace.

Beliefs and Practices:

  • Path of Serenity: The Lounghii deeply value peace, patience, and emotional balance. They believe that by aligning with Lounghi’s calm energy, they can help restore balance to Jello Island and within themselves.
  • Meditation and Reflection: Lounghii engage in daily rituals of meditation and reflection. These are often held near quiet lakes, soft meadows, or deep within the calm forests of Forestia.
  • Rituals of Calm: They often meditate in quiet places, offering glowing jello crystals to Lounghi, believing it strengthens his calming influence over Jello Island.


  • Protectors of Harmony: Lounghii are natural mediators, working to resolve conflicts among Jellocats or even between spirits. They are often called upon in times of tension to help restore peace.
  • Healing Powers: The followers of Lounghi are known for their ability to heal both physical wounds and emotional trauma. Many Jellocats seek out the Lounghii to mend their spirits after battles or personal hardships.

Role in Jello Island:

  • Guides of Peaceful Living: The Lounghii are revered as wise and calming figures, often consulted by other Jellocats looking to overcome stress, anger, or sorrow. Their peaceful behaviour makes them both respected and loved across Jello Island.
  • Balance Keepers: Lounghii play an essential role in balancing Jello Island’s different elements. They are not only peacekeepers but also caretakers of nature, ensuring that Lounghi’s tranquil influence permeates every corner of the land.

Appearance and Symbolism:

Lounghii are often marked by gentle glowing auras that reflect their inner calm. They wear or carry small jello flowers and crystals, symbols of Lounghi’s presence. These artefacts are believed to radiate serenity and help keep the Lounghii and those around them peaceful.

Member Figure

Holy Jello Spirit: Lounghi

Faction Ranks


Holy Jello Spirit: The holy Spirit itself is the highest rank, because the group is dedicated to it.


Member Ranks

Follower: Followers of Lounghi (0 Standing)

Members: 2 ・ See All