
Holy Jello Spirit ・ Part of Rathian (Holy Jello Spirit)
Galvorath is the revered Holy Jello Spirit of Norkum, a being formed from hot molten lava and cooled, hardened lava, covered in glowing crystals.


Galvorath: The Holy Jello Spirit of Lava

Galvorath is the Holy Jello Spirit of Lava and Fire, a being of intense power that resides deep within the volcanic heart of Norkum. Galvorath’s body is a mix of hot, molten lava and cooled, hardened rock, covered with glowing crystals that shimmer like embers. Though usually calm and patient, Galvorath’s temper is legendary, capable of building slowly over time until it erupts with the force of a mighty volcano.


Nature and Appearance:

  • Molten Lava and Rock: Galvorath’s form is constantly shifting between blazing hot lava and solidified rock, symbolizing both destruction and renewal. Glowing crystals grow out of its body like shards of volcanic glass, radiating heat and energy. These crystals pulse with a light that intensifies when Galvorath’s anger rises.

  • Spirit of Norkum: Galvorath’s domain is the volcanic land of Norkum, where magma flows beneath the surface, and fiery eruptions are a constant threat. The land itself reflects its spirit’s nature—harsh, dangerous, yet filled with beauty and life that thrives in the heat.


Influence and Role:

  • Flammable Patience: Galvorath is a spirit of immense patience, but like a volcano, its calm can only last so long before it bursts into rage. When angered, Galvorath’s eruptions are fierce and destructive, capable of reshaping the land and laying waste to anything in its path. However, even in its fury, Galvorath brings new life by leaving behind fertile ground where new jello plants can grow.

  • Embodiment of Fire and Destruction: Galvorath governs over the forces of fire, lava, and destruction. It represents both the power to destroy and the potential for rebirth that comes from fire’s cleansing force. Jellocats who live near Norkum understand the spirit’s dual nature, respecting its wrath while also knowing that it is a necessary part of the island’s cycle.


Connection to Jellocats:

  • The Rathians: A faction of Spirituals known as the Rathians follows Galvorath, seeking its guidance and favor. These Jellocats live by the fiery spirit’s code, valuing strength, resilience, and the ability to endure hardship. They offer jello crystals to keep Galvorath calm, knowing that these rare stones can soothe its fiery temper.

  • Offerings and Rituals: Galvorath is honored with molten jello crystals that glow like embers. These offerings are placed in volcanic craters or near lava flows to show respect and devotion. Jellocats who brave the harsh environment to bring these offerings are considered especially loyal, and Galvorath may reward them with protection or strength.


Eruption of Wrath:

When Galvorath’s anger reaches its peak, it is said that volcanoes in Norkum will erupt, spewing molten lava and reshaping the land. The spirit’s rage is slow to build but overwhelming when unleashed. Only the most fearless Jellocats venture near Norkum when Galvorath is in this state, for its fury can consume all in its path.