
Capital inside Norkum

Can be home to both users and characters.

Rockaro is a hidden fortress city located in the heart of Norkum, built into the side of a massive rocky outcrop that overlooks a wide lava field.
Rockaro: The Hidden Fortress

Rockaro is a hidden fortress city located in the heart of Norkum, built into the side of a massive rocky outcrop that overlooks a wide lava field. Rockaro serves as a haven for the few Jellocats who call Norkum home, offering shelter from the intense heat and protection from volcanic eruptions. The city’s structures are built from heat-resistant jello-stone, reinforced with magical barriers to shield its residents from the harsh conditions outside.

Rockaro is a place of strength, where Jellocats live in harmony with the fiery land around them. The city’s residents are known for their resourcefulness and courage, having adapted to life in one of the most dangerous parts of Jello Island. Rockaro is also a hub for trade, with brave Jellocats coming to exchange rare volcanic jello-minerals, heat-resistant fabrics, and other unique goods.

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